L'Hôtel Pergolese
L'Hôtel Pergolese
L'Hôtel Pergolese
L'Hôtel Pergolese
L'Hôtel Pergolese
L'Hôtel Pergolese

L'Hôtel Pergolese

3 Rue Pergolèse, 75116 Paris, France

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Condições específicas

Informações de pagamento

  • Pagamento em dinheiro aceito neste hotel

Informações de depósito

  • É necessário um depósito de € 100 para fazer o check-in

Estamos curtindo

  • bathroom
    Casa de banho de sonhoSalle de bain en marbre pour une douche impériale
  • well-being
    Bem-estar de RealezaIl n’y a pas d’heure pour se mettre en peignoir, surtout dans ceux-là
  • architecture
    Lugar InspiradorUn ticket première classe pour des moments intimes hors du temps


To escape the routine, escape to the Hôtel Pergolèse.

Its exceptional location near the Champs-Elysées, Avenue Victor Hugo and the Bois de Boulogne is the guarantee of a day out. This establishment, designed by Rena Dumas, designer of the Hermès boutiques, has a contemporary and relaxing atmosphere.

Although located between the Etoile and the Palais des Congrès at Porte Maillot, the Pergolèse is a small, intimate cocoon that protects you from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The sober and elegant decoration of the rooms provides a feeling of well-being that will delight you during your day use Paris. You will be won over by the sober luxury of the rooms, equipped with top-of-the-range furniture and elegant marble bathrooms.

Enjoy the cosy and intimate atmosphere of the Pergolesi, a sublime hotel for a confidential meeting.

Comodidades do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Wifi Gratuito
Wifi Gratuito
Animais aceitos
Animais aceitos

Perguntas frequentes

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3 Rue Pergolèse, 75116 Paris, France

(11) 4380 3483